Monday 11 March 2013

Update: Classical Guitar SOLD!!

Hello customers!

Just a small update, our Suzuki Classical Guitar has found a buyer and is to be sold this week. Priced at $80, going to be sold to an Indian mother who is buying it for her 13 year old child. Hopefully the child has a good time with it when he or she gets it!

I had posted it on Sunday newspaper through a website, it was success! Unfortunately, it would cost us fee to promote this website there. Thus, please do help us spread the word that we are selling our self made items!

Your support for us would be our motivation to make even better items and models. As for more, you are supporting us to improve in our art and craft skills!

It is an happy movement to share art with people, just a simple gift for the love, I strongly believe they will feel your sincerity and love!

More updates to be up soon!


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